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This bibliography of Rudyard Kipling, the first English-language author to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, is the first to appear in fifty years and the first to incorporate modern standards of collation, binding cloth description, publication dates and prices, and dust jacket description. It fully describes 480 first editions, authorized and unauthorized, appearing as books, pamphlets, leaflets, and broadsides from 1881 through 2008 in British India, England, the United States, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, and Chile--a dozen of which titles were not noted by prior bibliographers. This work also includes 127 titles of books with contributions from Kipling, 17 titles containing prefaces, introductory letters and forewords by Kipling, and 123 titles first printing his private letters. These primary entries, besides describing each edition by publication type, size, pagination formula, binding, binding texture, ISCC-NBS color system name, dust jacket, copyright data, and cross-references to prior bibliographies, also include information on institutional library locations, manuscripts, and significant first editions of the title in later publishers' series and in other countries. Also described are all important association and presentation copies of Kipling's earliest works, with full inscriptions and institutional collection locations. Other major sections describe collected and uniform sets, editions listed by prior bibliographers that are not first editions but are collectible, and misattributions.

Significant innovations in this bibliography include the first complete chronological list of all of Kipling's newspaper and periodical appearances, the first examination of all English and American auction sale catalogues with lots of his editions (significant copies are cross-referenced in the entry texts), and separate listings of unauthorized private editions and private editions as first editions, musical settings of the poems, plays based on Kipling's works, film treatments in motion pictures and for television, published drawings and caricatures, and Kipling's symbols: the swastika and the Ganesh. Further appendices include a chronology of the author's life and major works, and titles of biographical studies of Rudyard and his immediate family. These contents are present in one substantial volume containing the primary entries, grayscale images of bindings and title pages, and indices. The second volume, containing all the other classified sections, is included on the enclosed CD-ROM, along with color images of bindings and title pages.



A cornucopia of delights.
— The Kipling Journal





A Zoom to the Kipling Society and the American Trust for the British Library, "Collecting Kipling"
April 17, 2024


Baker Street Irregulars Conference, "Sherlock Holmes and the British Empire"
Bear Mountain, New York, July 29-31, 2022

David A. Richards’ presentation at minutes 34:30-43:35


Special Functions Lecture: David Alan Richards on “Kipling’s Kim: The Great Game and the Real Spies”
March 15, 2022, Grolier Club of New York City


FABS Virtual Collectors' Showcase, June 20th, 2021
David A. Richards’ presentation begins at 1:00:54


Grolier Club, New York City, February 22nd, 2021.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021: Grolier Club members David Alan Richards, Rudyard Kipling collector and bibliographer; and Mark Samuels Lasner, Senior Research Fellow at the University of Delaware Library and authority on William Morris and Edward Burne-Jones, will discuss via Zoom "Ex Libris: Lockwood Kipling, Rudyard Kipling, and Edward Burne-Jones." This richly-illustrated panel talk will reveal new discoveries about bookplates designed by and for three British innovators and their cultured circles. Author and artist Rudyard Kipling, his father, the designer and illustrator John Lockwood Kipling, and Kipling's senior brother-in-law, the artist Edward Burne-Jones, all designed bookplates for family members and patrons' families. This discussion among Grolier Club experts will explore connections between the ex libris and the designers' travels, writings, inspirations, and cross-cultural pollination.


The Kiplings and Their Bookplates

Richard's Rules of Disposition Grolier Club lecture by David Alan Richards March 4, 2019 grolierclub.org


David A. Richards in the panel discussion for My Boy Jack at the Paley Center for Media, New York City, April 15th, 2008.

Uploaded by The Paley Center for Media on 2019-11-12.